Exhibition Stand Design (2024)

Importance of Exhibition Stand Design

Exhibitions are now becoming increasingly popular among business decision-makers. This provides your business with more potential customers that you can meet in person and allows more customers to access your solution. Even as our world becomes increasingly remote and digital, exhibitions offer ground-breaking opportunities like no other. With the right strategy, the decision to attend a show can be the deciding factor in taking your business from a small business to an industry leader. Unlike other marketing activities, exhibitions provide brands with a broader platform to showcase their products and services and communicate their core messages to a more receptive audience. That’s why your exhibition stand design must be so attractive that it captivates, inspires, and leaves a lasting impression on many visitors.

The Role of Exhibitions in Business

Attending exhibitions allows you to meet customers who are actively looking for business and attract more leads. So, your stand must be able to communicate what your company is about. Cold calling is annoying to people who aren’t in the right place or state of mind to talk to you about your products or services. You need to be able to quickly and efficiently communicate your core values ​​to those viewing your stand. On the other hand, exhibitions provide an opportunity for brands to stand out through exhibition stands. The main objective of brands when participating in exhibitions is to generate business and attract potential customers.

Understanding Your Goals

An exhibition without clear goals is a game without rules: the team plays, but no one knows why. It’s a lot of fun. That’s also good, but the position and salaries will not be profitable. Without clear goals, there is no plan, and without a plan, there are no results to measure and improve. Exhibition objectives determine how you present yourself as a company at exhibitions and who you address with your advertising. These factors influence, among other things, the design, decoration, and design of the stand. It’s important. Would you like to know how to define clear and strong exhibition goals? You’ll know soon.

Elevate Your Brand with ESS: Beyond Ordinary

The first step is to determine who your target audience is and what they expect, need, and want from your visibility. You can use various methods to research your target groups, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, personalities, or guest profiles. You should also consider the demographics, psychographics, motivations, and behaviours of your target audience, as well as their prior knowledge and interests. By understanding your audience, you can tailor your display design to their preferences and needs.

Set your goals

Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your exhibition. Your goals should describe what you want visitors to learn, feel, do, or remember after interacting with your exhibition. It would help if you also had metrics or criteria to measure and evaluate your goals.

Choose your format

Choose the format and presentation style that best suits your goals, objectives, and audience. The size, shape, and layout of the exhibition space, as well as available resources, budget, and time should be taken into account. You should also consider the type and amount of content, media, and interactivity you want to include in your exhibition.

Exhibition stand design

To create a visual and functional design for your exhibition that reflects your purpose, goals, format, and content. To create a consistent and appealing display, you should utilize design principles and elements such as colour, contrast, balance, harmony, hierarchy, placement, proportion, and repetition. It would help if you also used exhibition design techniques and tools such as sketches, wireframes, models, prototypes, and software to create a realistic and detailed representation of your exhibition.

Test and refine your design

Test and refine your exhibition stand design before exhibiting. You should collect feedback and suggestions from stakeholders, colleagues, customers, or potential visitors and use them to improve your technique. You should also test your theme for usability, accessibility, functionality, and quality and fix any issues or errors you find.

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Preparing for exhibition

Preparing for an exhibition can be a complex and multifaceted process, and every exhibition is different, but all exhibitions have been experienced by those who have experienced them once. Some commonalities align with your experiences. To help you feel prepared for your exhibition, we’ve created a checklist to help you plan.

Choose the right exhibition

With thousands of exhibitions held all over the world, choosing the right one is very important. When thinking about your next show, be sure to do your homework and get as much information as possible. Determine whether the show fits into your existing marketing strategy and is appealing to your target audience.

Budget wisely

It goes without saying that you have to spend a small fortune on an exhibition stand, but at the same time, you cannot expect it to be presented at an excellent price. It would help if you kept in mind that budget considerations should also take into account the size and location of the exhibition space, transportation, accommodation, gifts, staff salaries, etc.

Book in advance

There are two very important reasons to book in advance: The first is to make sure you choose the best seat in the room. Location really makes a big difference, so don't risk being pushed back into a dark corner. Once you book and commit to an exhibition, you can view previous events, competition schedules, promotions, etc., to learn what to expect from the show.

Stand structure

We always advise our customers to do something as a "test drive" before the big day. The reason is simple: your stand will be the first and, in some cases, the only impression hundreds of audiences have of your brand.

Choose your team wisely

It's important to spend a lot of time and thought about who you choose to represent your company and brand. Your team lives and breathes your brand and has a true passion for it because they are the ones who give all audiences the first real insight into who you are and what you do. It must be made up of only people who have. This job is best suited for owners, managers, and brand managers who can benefit from putting on the show of a lifetime.

Prepare your offer

One of the biggest and most common mistakes in connection with an unsuccessful exhibition participation is not planning and preparing the appearance in advance. Before an exhibition, it is extremely important not only to define what you want to achieve but also to set very specific goals and describe how you want to achieve them. It's never a smart idea to approach this type of event without having a comprehensive strategy in place, from what you're offering to how you'll communicate it to your audience, materials, special offers, giveaways, and more.

Designing Your Exhibition Stand

If you’re planning to launch a new product or promote your business at an industry exhibition, the most important thing is to stand out. To do that, you need a stand that leaves an impression. Here are the major types of exhibitions stands you can choose from:

Major types of exhibitions stand you choose from for your exhibit

Exhibition Stand Design (2)

Modular exhibition stand

A modular exhibition stand consists of prefabricated components that form an autonomous system. Modular display systems can be converted into a variety of exhibition stand designs. The modular and interchangeable cabin components can be reduced in size or expanded as desired. Modular stands are flexible, environmentally friendly, and easy-to-use exhibition systems that do not necessarily require technical assistance to set up and dismantle. The highly versatile modular stand can be reconfigured to create a variety of designs.

Exhibition Stand Design (3)

Custom exhibition stand

A custom exhibition stand was designed and built for your company. If successful, it should convey your company's philosophy, speak your brand language, and present your unique offering innovatively and engagingly. Custom display stands are just that: they are built to order to your specifications. From the overall shape to the flooring, from the gadgets to the storage, no one is supported like you.

The Basics of Stand Design

Before you start designing

  • Set your goals.
  • Think about what you want to achieve with your exhibition stand and what message you want to convey. You might be able to design a stand that looks great, but if it doesn’t communicate your company’s values ​​or clearly articulate your product or service offering, you’re wasting your time.
  • Keep your goals in mind throughout the design process, and you’ll never get lost.

If you want to make the biggest impact and have the budget, this is definitely the way to go.

Composition:Composition means arranging objects correctly and aesthetically. The same principle applies to design ideas for exhibition stands. Do not overload items, and make sure there is enough space between them. Remember to ensure good visibility and accessibility for participants. Also, consider the function of each counter, display case, and shelf.

Lighting: Don’t rely solely on the lighting provided by the show organizer. Always offer customized lighting settings to ensure you set the mood and atmosphere you want to create for your visitors with your exhibition stand. Coloured lighting can be very helpful in conveying certain themes in your exhibition stand design.

Colour:Your brand guidelines will determine the colour palette for your exhibition stand design. There’s not much room for innovation, and there’s no need for it. Even simple exhibition stand ideas can be very effective. More colours create clutter and reduce brand recall. The aim is to create brand associations in the minds of participants as clearly and quickly as possible.

Graphic:You need intelligent graphics for your stand display. Full-size, colourful pictures that convey your company’s characteristics and message are acceptable. In addition, the graphics should be of high resolution.

Brand and logo:Your brand name should appear on the front, and your logo should be placed in the center of the graphic. Some brands prefer to use treads for this purpose. However, keep in mind that the logo and branding should be at eye level.

Technology:The modern generation is passionate about technology. Touchscreens and interactive videos can be coordinated to display business processes or references.

Promotional items:By offering your customers promotional material, you automatically draw their attention to your products! These items are used to share contact information. You can submit items like USB sticks, bags, mugs, and pens.

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Make the most of your exhibit space

Stand sizes are often limited, so it’s important to make the most of the allotted space. Check measurements with your organizer so you know what you need to work with. Improve the smooth flow of exhibition areas by ensuring there are no physical obstructions or barriers to entry and locating meeting areas at the rear of the stands.


The deciding factor is the size of the exhibition space you reserve. Too small and it may go unnoticed; too large and you may end up over budget and not have enough left to meet your budget. There are many ways to make the most of your exhibition stand space. Therefore, make sure to prioritize funding over room size. The amount of space you need depends on the product or service you want to display. If you have a small product or service business, you won’t need as much space. As a general rule of thumb, you should spend one-third of your budget on exhibition space. This leaves the remaining two-thirds for exhibit stands, staffing, and other costs. Spending too much on exhibition space can put you over budget and force you to choose lower-cost exhibitions. Often, it is better to select a small-scale alternative and please your visitors with an excellent stand.

Space orientation

Once you have decided what size the floor space you want is, you need to determine the layout and orientation. You can obtain an exhibition space plan from the event organizer.

Use of digital devices

If your stand is particularly small, you may need the help of digital devices to avoid piles of brochures and flyers scattered across the table.

Play with snapshots

Engage visitors and encourage them to take a photo of your brand at your stand with selfie frames. It’s a cost-effective way to grab attention and keep people around longer. Plus, it’s a quick and easy way to make new social contacts. Use a variety of accessories for your photo stand, including cardboard cut-outs and photo props.

Blade the storage room

If you are exhibiting for multiple days or are not sure how much product to bring, you may need to think about where to store additional products at your stand.

Major Ways of attracting visitors to your exhibition stand

We have a wide range of modular portable exhibition stands, ideal for exhibitors who need a lightweight, quick and easy-to-assemble display solution. Our team will design a unique stand for you that will make you stand out from the competition in space. Expo Stand Services offers a full range of professional services, from exhibition stand design to prefabrication, graphics and exhibition stand fittings.

  • Drinks offer : Rent equipment and refrigerators, and make sure you can offer your guests drinks and snacks that promise longer shelf life and almost always lead to more engagement. Snacks in the form of ice cream, smoothies, juices, co*cktails, tea, coffee, chocolates, sweets, and popcorn - the more creative, the better and unforgettable!
  • Create the right environment: Planning your entire environment will help your space stand out on the show floor. Create an experience that truly reflects your brand and other retail spaces with everything from display rugs and furniture to branded selfie frames that perfectly complement your stand. You can also set up a lounge area with bean bags and upholstered furniture to create a place to relax.
  • Provides free Wi-Fi: Make life easier for yourself, your team, and your attendees by ensuring your own fast, reliable exhibition Wi-Fi without having to trust your venue's Wi-Fi. For additional advice and tips on choosing the right Wi-Fi, check out our event Wi-Fi guide.
  • Make it visual: It would help if you started planning your exhibition at least four to six months before the exhibition. Set realistic goals, create a schedule, and prepare all activities with your team. Choose an exhibition stand builder who designs and builds beautiful and effective stands. A unique exhibition stand design, eye-catching graphics, and eye-catching content are essential to make your stand as eye-catching as possible and generate more traffic. Make sure your stand is visible from the aisle and conveys a clear and appealing message that grabs people's attention.
  • Attractive and organized: Exhibition stands should be attractive, easy to use, and well-organized so that visitors can browse your products comfortably.
  • Neat design: A good exhibition should be visually appealing. This means using complementary colours and creating a clean, uncluttered design. You also need to make sure that your exhibition stand has enough space to display your products and services. If you don't have enough space, others won't be able to see your offer.
  • Location is important: There are two ways to choose the location of the exhibition stand. First, you can select a location based on its visual appeal. You can then choose a place that attracts the right kind of visitors. Create a professional look with graphics and signage. A good exhibition should leave a strong first impression. This means using graphics and signage that convey professionalism and authority. These tools will help you stand out from other exhibitors.
  • Reward your employees: Effective management of your stand is very important and can transform your entire exhibition experience. Your employees should give the right impression of your company and also be professional, friendly and confident in order to attract visitors. Consider rewarding your employees for good performance. This will help your employees stay energized and motivated throughout the day. You can also organize friendly competitions for your employees. Whoever registers the most contacts will receive a prize.

Technology Integration in an Exhibit

By using immersive technological solutions such as virtual or augmented reality at your exhibition stand, you can offer visitors an immersive experience that will help you achieve all your exhibition goals! With these innovative exhibitions stand ideas, visitors can learn more about what makes your products and services unique. Here are five modern technologies you can use to make your exhibition stand unique:


AR or augmented reality can make your exhibition stand more appealing to visitors and potential customers. This technology allows computer-generated images to be integrated with the real world to create an interactive experience. Users point their screens at the product, creating an exciting, informative, and entertaining experience on their phone. You can encourage your audience to interact with your products or services in different ways, bringing your brand to life.

Touch technology

Using touchscreen technology maximizes the effectiveness of your content. Smartphones, interactive displays, and tablets integrated into kiosk workstations are just some of the technologies that exhibition stand builders can provide to display your content. Touch technology allows participants to interact with your content however they want. This is an easy way to introduce your business to an audience outside of your venue.


Virtual walls allow you to transform the walls of your exhibition stand and create an interactive experience. You can use a projector and LED screen to create a digital canvas for your attendees. Exhibition builders use virtual walls to:•Participants can use it to draw pictures, write messages, and play touch-and-tap games. •Users can unleash their creative side by recreating custom, theme-based virtual walls with visually appealing designs. Your visitors will really enjoy interacting with your brand.

Beacon technology

Beacon technology can attract more participants than any other technology. By incorporating beacon technology into your exhibition stand design, you can reach potential customers near your exhibition stand. You can send a message to someone's device to welcome them to your stand and let them know what's happening around your stand. You can also share flyers and brochures. This process will make you tech-savvy so your target audience can receive your brochure without having to maintain a file.

Interactive screen

Integrating interactive screens into exhibition stands makes the user experience even more immersive. Touch screens allow visitors to learn more about your products, services, and projects. How about using a dynamic drag-and-drop photo wall or photo stand? Interactive displays and panels with digital touchpoints can also be used on walls and floors to convey important information to visitors with just a touch. There are many ways to increase interaction with your exhibition stand using interactive screens.

Motion control technology

The possibilities with motion control technology are endless. You can set up a product demonstration using a motion control interface, allowing participants to start and stop the demonstration using their hands. It can also be equipped with motion-sensitive floors that generate content that provides a great experience for attendees. Motion control technology allows you to create a fully immersive experience.

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Sustainability in stand design

Choose sustainable materials

One of the main considerations when designing a sustainable exhibition stand is the choice of materials. Use materials that not only reduce our environmental impact but also strengthen our brand image as a responsible and conscious company.

Choose a sustainable exhibition stand: reusable modular stand systems

If you plan to exhibit regularly, there is no doubt that a modular, reusable stand system is the most durable type of exhibition stand you can rent. as it can be easily reconfigured and dismantled for any planned show, meaning it can be reconfigured and reused.

Energy-saving lighting

Lighting plays a fundamental role in the presentation of an exhibition stand. Choose energy-efficient LED lights that use less power and last longer than traditional lighting options. Sensors and timers ensure that lights are only turned on when needed, further reducing energy consumption.

Digitize your marketing materials

Reduce paper waste with digital marketing materials. Use interactive touchscreens, tablets, or QR codes to share brochures, catalogues, and digital presentations with your visitors. This not only reduces the need for printing but also allows for easy updates and customizations, providing a seamless and engaging experience for attendees.

Carpets and floors for your exhibition stand

When designing a long-lasting exhibition stand, don’t forget the floor! Check whether your exhibition stand design company can offer a sustainable alternative to polyester carpets. Additionally, you can rent a modular, reusable system for each raised floor that is easy to disassemble and transport to reduce your carbon footprint.

Collaboration with sustainable suppliers

When purchasing materials, services, and products for your exhibition stands, work with suppliers who share your commitment to sustainability. Look for suppliers that prioritize eco-friendly practices, offer recycled or sustainable options, and follow responsible manufacturing processes. By collaborating with like-minded partners, you contribute to a broader ecosystem of sustainable practices in the exhibition industry.

Promote environmentally friendly transportation

Encourage exhibitors and visitors to choose sustainable transport options when traveling to exhibitions. Provide information about public transport, encourage shared journeys, and offer bicycle parking. Additionally, consider offsetting the carbon emissions caused by your event by partnering with carbon offset projects.

Compliance and Regulations

It is important to understand the etiquette and culture of the place you are visiting. Your content can have a greater impact if you add an understanding of local culture. And if you have someone who blends in well and addresses guests with social etiquette, that will have a big impact on your presentation. Understanding local laws, customs, and regulations can help you run your event smoothly.

Look for the best exhibition stand builders in Germany for your next fair

Expo Stand Services is one of Europe’s leading designers and manufacturers of exhibition stands with production facilities and sales offices across the globe. With our locations spread across Europe, we support our customers in building custom stands that meet their brand requirements and develop a unique methodology.

Our process begins with understanding the needs of our valued customers. Our project manager will first discuss this with our customers. We design, adapt, produce, transport, assemble, dismantle, and then store the exhibition stand for later use at the next exhibition.

Expert team

Our dedicated teams first understand our customer's goals and objectives and then work closely with them to offer unique exhibition stand designs.


Our graphic designer transforms the customer's vision into a photorealistic 3D animation and helps them view the status from all sides before production.


Once the customer is happy with the design of their exhibition stand, we begin designing their stunning display, individually tailored to the needs of their brand.

Build and install

Build and installWe have a highly qualified team that deals with the production and construction of exhibition stands. Our in-house teams will set up your stand and ensure easy shipping and on-site installation.

On-site monitoring

We provide our customers with comprehensive support. From design to hosting to dismantling, an unforgettable exhibition experience is just a phone call away.

Disassembly and storage

In order to ensure trouble-free operation, we offer the service of dismantling exhibition stands and storing them for later use.

Whether your primary goal is to increase brand awareness, maximize sales, or delight attendees, this list will help you define your specific version of event success.

Measure Success of Brand presence at an Exhibition


This key metric directly shows the number of attendees who arrived and checked in to your event. These Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are both absolutely and relatively important. Comparing the number of check-ins and total registrations for an event is an important statistic. If there is an unusual discrepancy between the two numbers, it's worth considering. Why do people drop off between registration and check-in? Make sure the number of check-ins for each day of your event is correct so you can compare this number to other metrics.

Total number of registrations

Total registration is certainly already a hot metric and one of the most immediate ways to measure the success of your exhibition. It's also important to track monthly registrations to get a clearer understanding of your sales performance over time. What month had the highest number of registrations? Why is this so? The more detailed you can understand this key figure, the more clarity you will have when evaluating events.

Participant satisfaction

The easiest way to find out if your attendees enjoyed your event is to ask them. Survey responses will help you understand participant satisfaction and ensure future events exceed participant expectations. Be specific with your questions and provide numerical answer choices. When your data is clean and quantifiable, you can gain deeper insights.

Returning Participants

Chances are you exhibit frequently; an interesting statistic to keep track of is the number of repeat customers who come to follow-up events. This will tell you if your exhibition stand design or exhibit content is resonating with your audience and what value you're creating for them. A high number of repeat participants indicates that you have found the right concept.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The KPI is also included in the Participant Satisfaction Survey, but NPS is important enough to deserve its spot on this list. This review asks a simple question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this event to a friend? A score of 9-10 is considered a "promoter" who acts as a loyal fan of the event brand. Values between 7 and 8 are "reluctant," meaning participants are satisfied but still vulnerable to competitive offers. After all, ratings from 0 to 6 are considered "detractors" and risk damaging your event's brand with negative reviews.

Mentions on social networks

Social media mentions occur when users directly "shout" by using a handle or hashtag in their comment/tweet. When planning your event, make sure your exhibit handle and hashtag are simple, unique, and easy to share. By tracking mentions, you can better understand the social media compatibility of your event as well as the social media knowledge of your attendees.

Engagement in social media

Slightly different from mentions, social media engagement occurs when a user responds to a post, usually by liking, sharing, or retweeting it. This metric is also an accurate indicator of how well specific sessions, speakers, and the event itself resonated with attendees. Make sure you have enough social media content for participants to respond to!

Gross sales

Many say it is the most important KPI for the success of an exhibition. This is an important metric that can be compared to your original sales goals. The difference between the two indicates how realistic or idealistic you were about the criteria you set.

Sponsorship commitment

This KPI will be fundamental to keeping sponsors happy and securing future partnerships. You probably have several pages where sponsors can be visible on your app or website. Engagement on these sites, such as page views and likes, are important indicators of whether participants are actually interacting with sponsors.

Sponsors satisfaction

Since sponsors are largely responsible for the financial support of an exhibition, ensuring their satisfaction is an important measure of an event's success and a way to assess the likelihood of future sponsorship. There are many ways to measure this value, such as through surveys or post-event meetings. Whatever method you choose, be sure to record this data to understand what worked for sponsors and what didn't.

Qualified sales lead

If you are exhibiting to generate leads for your sales team, measuring the number of qualified leads is a key indicator of event success. The definition of a qualified lead varies by company. Therefore, before measuring this KPI, make sure you have detailed criteria. Qualified leads may come from a specific industry, hold a leadership position within your company, or demonstrate a clear need for your company's services/products.

Number of visitors acquired

Once you've collected qualified leads from the exhibit, the next logical step is to measure the number of customers you've acquired. Care must be taken to ensure that event marketing attribution is clear and that these customers were actually achieved through the event. There are several channels through which prospects can become customers. Therefore, for this metric, it's important to identify the lead source as the event itself.

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Emerging trends in stand design

Latest trends in the exhibition industry

The exhibition stand design is becoming more sophisticated every day. Some of the hottest design trends making waves include:

Three-dimensional design

This includes 3D visualizations and rooms designed around specific themes and ideas—fantastic exhibition design with state-of-the-art lighting and a state-of-the-art music system. The ultimate goal of an exhibition stand is to captivate the audience. Customer-centric stand design captivates and appeals to the senses of the audience—individual design with extended elements. You will leave with an unforgettable experience. And we continue to pay rich dividends in the form of higher sales, higher profits, and better brand building. Customized stand designs are becoming increasingly popular. In the future, more and more exhibition stand builders will take advantage of this trend for their exhibition stands.

Technology for a better digital experience

Technology is changing almost every area of ​​life. From 2023 onwards, the use of technology at exhibitions will increase. In 2022, the stand’s designer used his smart tablet at the counter to interact and engage visitors. This will be his new normal in 2023.

Mixed Reality

This requires you to point your mobile phone at a product on display, creating an immersive digital experience. In addition, the technology is also integrated into the exhibition stands.

Eye-catching colours that grab attention

Colours always play a key role in elevating the look and appeal of a stand design. Earlier trends revolved mostly around the shades of white and blue. It helps draw visitors’ attention to the stand design. Another trend that is becoming increasingly popular is the use of light boxes. They help to significantly reduce lighting costs without compromising the quality of lighting in any way. Then, there are LED panels and downlights that allow you to build large video walls in your cubicles for just a fraction of the initial cost.

Usage of more non-traditional materials

As the public becomes more environmentally conscious than ever before, the use of unconventional materials has become a hot trend among exhibition stand builders. Many stand builders avoid using traditional materials such as metal and wood. Instead, a stand builder is more likely to use materials such as cabinets and plastic. They adapt easily and quickly to your needs without the need for major construction or engineering work. They also have low costs.

Another recent trend is free-standing furniture

Designer pieces are very popular as they give a fresh touch to the stand design. By incorporating technology into your exhibition stand design, you can create a visually appealing and interactive stand that will help you connect with visitors and generate leads.


You may be wondering how the stand design itself can achieve so many functions. Believe it or not, it’s definitely possible. In fact, an experienced and talented exhibition stand builder can create a stand design that goes above and beyond. Investing in a unique and attractive stand design is not enough. It should be representative of your brand image while reflecting your marketing campaign in a subtle yet powerful way. Your exhibition stand design should be an extension of your brand image. It would help if you considered your brand’s personality and core brand values. If your brand is targeting the upper middle class and above, your exhibition presentation and stand design should reflect this. Brands are constantly investing in larger stands and more elegant stand designs. There’s a reason brands and companies with the resources choose the best exhibition stand manufacturers in the industry. It is no longer enough to leave an impression on your target group at an exhibition.

Importance of a Well-Designed Exhibition Stand

With your exhibition stand, you need to create such an impact that visitors and even passers-by remember your stand and associate it with your brand even after they leave the venue. No exhibition stand is complete without graphics. It can be not very careful to downplay the importance of good pictures. Therefore, choose the perfect graphics for your exhibition stand, as you want to present a harmonious image to your visitors. Exhibition graphics help emphasize and emphasize important marketing messages while connecting consumers’ subconscious minds with brand images and marketing messages. After all, an exhibition stand is more than just a stand to display products. This serves as a platform to increase brand awareness, make your brand appear trustworthy, and bridge the gap between you and your consumers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Know your goals and set them yourself
  • Make it visually appealing
  • Use your space wisely
  • Update your documents
  • Choose your gifts carefully

Here’s how to decorate your exhibition stand.

  • Size: The first thing to consider when decorating an exhibition stand is size. Typically, stands are approximately 10 by 10 feet in size. However, this is not always the case due to the different scales of the shows. For larger organizations, you can rent multiple stands for increased decoration options and exposure.
  • Curtains separate the stands: Corner stands allow you to view the display from both sides instead of just one side, making it easier to see. Overall, the standard size of the stand is more clearly perceived by passers-by based solely on its size.
  • Stand decoration: The exhibition hall typically hires decoration companies to help set up stands and rent decorative items such as carpets, lighting, chairs, and tables. Exhibitors will receive an exhibition catalog in advance. This will give you an idea of the lighting, colour, fabric, and style options available.
  • Colours and logos: These two must meet your company’s specifications. A company or advertising agency’s in-house experts must be able to provide details that allow the company to reproduce accurate hues every time. Messages and slogans using specific fonts, colours, and styles should be consistent across stands so that your brand is easily recognizable.
  • Visual aids: Visual and audio aids are perfect for attracting customers to your exhibition stand. Regardless of the size of your stand, you can play DVDs to promote both your products and services.

Designing your exhibition stand is the first step in the exhibiting process. Based on your wishes and the exhibition organization’s specifications, we work together to develop the desired appearance and shape of your exhibition stand. The design includes all associated exhibit walls, visuals, (double) flooring, lighting, etc., as well as rental furniture, audio-visual equipment, brochure stands, etc.

It’s easy to attract attention. Design a giant pink stand and have all your male employees wear pink underwear and skirts, and your company is sure to be the talk of the show. The hard part is grabbing attention while being on-brand. The 7 major aspects of stand designing are:

  • Grab attention and be on-brand
  • Colours, colours, colours
  • Use lighting to focus attention
  • Incorporate motion into your stand
  • Use focal points to direct attention
  • LED lighting
  • Recyclable Flooring
  • Eliminate paper

Here are few important things that your stand builder should have:

Relevant industrial experience: The company must have relevant experience in functionality, materials, design, and layout and should know what appeals to the public based on industry best practices.

  • Work portfolio: What is it like to work in the company? Do you like the other work? Browse the company’s portfolio to see the designs and stands it has created for other companies and consider whether it could do the same for you.
  • Services: In addition to planning and designing exhibition stands, the best companies also offer services in the areas of installation, construction, project management, graphics, design, construction, transport, and logistics.
  • Budget: It would help if you were sure that your exhibition stand offers good value for money and fits within your budget. A good company should be able to build you a stand that matches your requirements and is suited to your budget.
  • Reference materials: To gain a deeper understanding and insight into the company’s service quality, approach and processes, and level of customer service, whether the company achieved targets, met deadlines, followed specifications accurately, and whether customers were satisfied with the service.

To get the most out of your exhibition stand, you need to find ways to pique the curiosity of passers-by at your exhibition. Successful stand designs usually feature unique techniques that stay true to the brand and are able to arouse visitor curiosity through novelty. To achieve this, you need to go back to the basics of marketing and understand the why of your business. The simple fact remains that you are competing with other exhibition stands for roughly the same audience. You can get creative and experiment with visual accessories with bold colours and proportions that exceed your expectations.

Miniature furniture and “larger-than-life” props are inherently eye-catching and hard to miss.

  • Participating in the wrong event
  • Reduce costs
  • Lack of clear exposure targets
  • Stand design
  • Creative gifts
  • No marketing plans
  • Poorly trained staff
  • Not promoting yourself
Exhibition Stand Design (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.