9 Brand Exercises to Develop Your Brand Identity (2024)

Brand identity is important to your business because it focuses on how you want to be perceived by your customers. When you think about it, it's really not complicated to determine how you want to be perceived when you are clear on how God designed you and the purpose of your company. Many people get thrown off in the actual planning process because they're overthinking it. The thief of comparison also makes people second guess if their brand values are valid. In 5 Days to a Stronger Brand Identity, I provide exercises that help you think through your brand identity. Getting your brand identity right is important because it's your company's heart and soul, allowing you to tell your customers what you stand for and how you serve them. This blog post will explore practical and straightforward personal brand exercises to help you discover your uniqueness in the marketplace and social media platforms.

Let's get into the first exercise.

1. Brand Essence Exercise

The essence of a brand is like the heart and soul of a human being. It's not just a logo, a tagline, or an advertising campaign; it's the core identity that defines who you are in the market and what you stand for to get you in front of the right people. In today's competitive business landscape, understanding and articulating your brand's essence is more critical than ever. This is where the 'Brand Essence' exercise comes into play, a simple yet profound tool to help businesses of all sizes discover and define their brand.

The Brand Essence simple exercise is a simple way to find one word that captures the heart of your brand. This word isn't just a label, but it really shows the strengths, values, and what makes your brand special. This exercise helps you figure out what makes your brand stand out and gives you a clear idea for your branding.

How to Do the Exercise

Whether you're working alone or with a team, this exercise is easy but makes you think.

Here's how to do it:

  • Think Alone or With a Team: If you're on your own, think about what your brand means. If you have a team, get together and brainstorm.
  • Find One Word: The first step is to describe your brand in just one word. This word should really capture what your brand is all about. For example, if you have a coffee shop, you might think of words like "welcoming," "artisanal," or "innovative."
  • Talk About It: Discuss why you chose each word and what it means for your brand. This can help you understand more about what your brand is and what it stands for.
  • Choose the Best Word: Pick the word that fits your brand the best. This is the essence of your brand.

The Power of One Word

The Brand Essence exercise is cool because it's so simple. You just pick one word that really captures your brand. This helps customers quickly understand and connect with your brand.

For example,if a bakery chooses the word "homely," it immediately makes people think of warm, homemade goodies.

This single word can guide how the bakery shows itself in everything it does.

9 Brand Exercises to Develop Your Brand Identity (1)

2. Brand Personality Traits Exercise

The Brand Personality Traits Exercise is like a game where you imagine your brand as a person. What kind of personality would it have? Is it super friendly, caring, or bold and full of new ideas? This exercise helps you see your brand in a new light and decide how you want to come across to your customers.

How to Do the Exercise

Here's a simple way to start figuring out your brand's personality:

  • Make a List of Human Traits:Think of all the different human characteristics you can. Write them down. These could be things like "friendly," "adventurous," "serious," or "funny."
  • Pick Traits for Your Brand:Now, look at your list and choose the traits that you think fit your brand the best. Try to picture your brand as a person. What would they be like?
  • Think About Your Customers: It's also important to think about who your customers are. What kind of person would they want to buy from or work with? This can help you choose the right traits.
  • Create a Brand Personality Profile: After you've picked some traits, put them together to create a "personality profile" for your brand. This will help you keep your brand's personality consistent in everything you do.

Why It's Important

Having a clear brand personality makes your brand more relatable and attractive to customers. It's like making a new friend. People are drawn to personalities they like and can relate to. When your brand has a personality, it's easier for customers to feel connected to it.

Here's another great Example: A Tech Startup

Let's say there's a tech startup.

It might choose traits like "innovative," "energetic," and "forward-thinking." These traits show that the brand is all about new ideas and has a lot of excitement for the future. This can be really appealing to customers who are looking for the latest and coolest tech stuff.

The Brand Personality Exercise is a fun and easy way to give your brand a human touch. It helps you think about how you want your brand to be seen and what kind of relationship you want to build with your customers.

Remember, your brand's personality is like its own special character, and it can make your brand stand out and be loved by many.

So, what personality will your brand have?

9 Brand Exercises to Develop Your Brand Identity (2)

3. The Brand Story Exercise

Every brand has its own unique story, just like every person has their own life story. This story isn't just about how your company started but also about what drives it, what it aims to do, and what makes it different from others.

The Brand Story exercise is all about writing the story of your brand. It's like writing a short book about your company. This story helps your customers understand who you are, what you care about, and why you're special. It's a great way to make your brand more than just a name or a logo.

How to Create Your Brand Story

Here are some easy steps to follow when writing your brand's story:
Start with the Beginning: Think about how your company started. What made you decide to start this business? Was there a special moment or a big dream that kicked everything off?

  • Talk About Your Mission:Your mission is like your promise to your customers. What are you here to do? Maybe you want to make people's lives easier, or maybe you want to help the planet. Whatever it is, make it clear in your story.
  • Share Your Brand Vision: Your vision is like a picture of the future you're trying to create. What do you see for the future of your brand? What kind of impact do you want to have?
  • Explain What Makes You Different:This is super important. What sets you apart from everyone else? Maybe you do something in a totally unique way, or maybe you have a special product that no one else has.
  • Write It as a Narrative:Now, take all these pieces and put them together like a story. Start from the beginning and lead up to where you are now, and then talk about where you're going.

Why Your Brand Story Matters

Your brand story is more than just words on a page. It's a way to connect with your customers on a deeper level. People love stories – they're easy to remember and share with others. A good story can make your customers feel like they're part of your journey, which can turn them into loyal fans.

Example: A Sustainable Clothing Brand

Let's take an example of a clothing brand. Imagine it started in a small home workshop with a focus on sustainable fashion. The story could talk about the founder's passion for the environment, the decision to use only eco-friendly materials, and the dream to change the fashion industry for the better. This story isn't just about selling clothes; it's about a mission to make the world a better place.

9 Brand Exercises to Develop Your Brand Identity (3)

4. Visual Imagery Exercise

The Visual Imagery exercise is a creative way to figure out the best visual style for your brand. This means choosing images, colors, and fonts that match what your brand stands for and how you want to be seen by your customers. It's like putting together an outfit that shows off your personality!

How to Do the Exercise

Follow these simple steps to start creating the visual look of your brand:
Collect Images: Start by gathering a bunch of different pictures. These could be photos, drawings, or anything that you feel represents your brand. Think about what your brand is about and what kind of images would show that.

  • Choose Colors:Colors are really important because they can make people feel certain ways. For example, blue can be calming, while red can be exciting. Pick colors that you think go well with what your brand is about.
  • Select Fonts: Fonts (like the style of the letters and words) also matter. Some fonts are serious and formal, while others are fun and casual. Choose a font that matches the personality of your brand.
  • Create a Brand Board:Now, take all these things you've gathered and put them together on a brand board. This is a sort of collage where you can see how all your images, colors, and fonts look when they're all together. This helps you see if everything fits well and gives off the right vibe.

Why Visuals Matter for Your Brand

Visuals are a big deal because they're usually the first thing people notice about your brand. Good visuals can grab attention, make your brand memorable, and even make people feel a certain way about your brand. It's like when you see a really cool movie poster, and you just have to watch the movie!

Example: A Fitness Brand

Let's take a fitness brand as an example. This brand could use pictures of happy, active people to show the joy of being fit and healthy. They might pick bright, energetic colors like orange or green to make people feel excited and motivated. All these visual choices help tell the story of what the brand is about.

9 Brand Exercises to Develop Your Brand Identity (4)

5. The Competitor Comparison Exercise

Just like in a sports game, knowing the other team's moves can help you play better. That's what the 'Competitor Comparison' exercise is all about. It's a way to look at other businesses like yours and figure out how you can be different and better.

The Competitor Comparison exercise is like doing detective work on other businesses that offer the same products or services as you. The goal is to understand what they're doing and then find ways to do things differently or better. This helps you stand out to customers who are looking for something special.

How to Do the Exercise

Here's a simple guide to doing the 'Competitor Comparison' exercise:

  • List Your Competitors:First, write down the names of other businesses that are similar to yours. These could be big companies or small ones in your area.
  • Analyze Their Brand Identity: Look at how these competitors present themselves. What does their logo look like? What kind of words do they use in their ads? How do they talk to their customers? This will give you an idea of their brand's personality.
  • Identify Differences: Now, think about how your business is different. What do you offer that they don't? Maybe you have unique products, better customer service, or a cool story behind your business.
  • Find Gaps in Their Offerings: Look for things that your competitors aren't doing. This could be something they're missing or something they don't do very well.

This is where you can really stand out.

Why Knowing Your Competition Matters

Understanding your competition helps you make your business better. It shows you what customers like and don't like, and it gives you ideas on how to be different. It's like learning from someone else's homework.

Plus, it helps you explain to your customers why they should choose you instead of someone else.

Example: A Small Bookstore

Let's take a small bookstore as an example. Big chain bookstores might have lots of books, but a small bookstore can offer something different. Maybe it has a carefully chosen selection of books, or it hosts events for the community, like book clubs or readings. These are things that make the small bookstore special and can attract people who are looking for a more personal touch.

6. Brand Promise Exercise

A brand promise is like a vow you make to your customers. It tells them what they can always expect from your business, whether it's great quality, awesome service, or something else that's special about what you do. A strong brand promise can help you build trust and loyalty with your customers.

How to Do the Brand Promise Exercise

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating your brand's promise:

  • Think About Your Strengths: Start by thinking about what your business is really good at. What do you offer that customers love? This could be anything from super-fast service to the best quality products.
  • Consider What You Always Deliver: What are the things you make sure to give your customers every time? This could be reliability, friendliness, or expertise in your field.
  • Write Your Promise:Now, turn these ideas into a short, strong statement that tells customers what they can always expect from you. This promise should be clear, believable, and something you can actually deliver.

Why a Brand Promise Matters

A brand promise matters because it helps customers understand what makes your business special. It's a way to tell them, "This is what we stand for, and this is what you can count on." It's like making a good impression every time someone thinks about your brand.

Example: A Car Dealership

Let's say you have a car dealership. Your brand promise might be something like "Reliable cars, honest service." This promise tells customers that they can trust you to sell good cars and be upfront with them. It sets the tone for everything your business does and helps build trust with your customers.

Tips for a Great Brand Promise

  • Keep it Simple: Your promise should be easy to understand and remember.
  • Make it Unique: It should show off what's special about your brand.
  • Be Realistic: Only promise what you can truly deliver.

9 Brand Exercises to Develop Your Brand Identity (5)

7. Tagline Creation Exercise

A tagline is a short, memorable phrase that represents what your brand is all about. It's like the cherry on top of your branding cake. A good tagline can make people smile, think, or feel something special about your brand.

How to Create Your Tagline

Creating a tagline might sound tough, but it's fun.

Here's how you can do it:

  • Brainstorm Ideas:Start by thinking about what makes your brand unique. Ask yourself the following questions: What's your brand's personality? What promise do you make to your customers? Write down all the ideas that come to mind.
  • Keep it Short and Sweet: A great tagline is short and easy to remember. You want something that people can recall quickly.
  • Make it Impactful: Your tagline should make an impression. It should capture the essence of your brand in just a few words.
  • Get Feedback: Once you have a few ideas, share them with friends, family, or even your customers to see what they think.

Why a Good Tagline Matters

A good tagline is important because it's often one of the first things your target audience will know about your brand. It can grab their attention and make them curious to learn more. Plus, a catchy tagline can stick in someone's mind, helping them remember your brand later on.

Example: A Gardening Service

Let's say you have a gardening service. You might come up with a tagline like "Grow with Us." This tagline is great because it has a double meaning – it's about growing plants and also growing as a person. It makes people feel like they're part of something bigger, and that's really special.

Tips for a Great Tagline

  • Be Clear: Make sure your tagline is easy to understand.
  • Reflect Your Brand: Your tagline should match the personality and values of your brand.
  • Be Original: Try to come up with something unique that sets you apart.

8. The Brand Voice Exercise:

Think of your brand voice as the personality of your brand expressed through words. It's not just what you say but how you say it. Whether you're writing an email, a social media post, or an ad, your brand voice should be consistent and recognizable.

How to Find Your Brand Voice

Creating your brand voice isn't as hard as it sounds.

Here's how you can do it:

  • Pick Adjectives for Your Voice: Start by choosing some adjectives that describe how you want your brand to communicate. Do you want to sound friendly and casual or more professional and formal? Maybe you're quirky and fun. Write down a list of words that capture the vibe you're going for.
  • Apply it to Your Content: Once you've got your adjectives, it's time to put them into action. Try using your brand voice in all your communications. Whether it's a tweet, a blog post, or a product description, make sure it sounds like it's coming from the same voice.
  • Be Consistent: Consistency is key. You want people to recognize your brand voice no matter where they see it. This helps build familiarity, trust, and an emotional connection.

Why Your Brand Voice Matters

Your brand voice is a big part of your brand's identity. It can make your brand more relatable and memorable. When customers read your marketing messages, they should be able to recognize that it's you, just like recognizing a friend's voice on the phone. A consistent brand voice helps build a strong connection with your audience.

Example: A Pet Food Brand

Let's look at a pet food brand. They might choose a playful, friendly brand voice. This makes sense because pets are all about fun and love. So, when they write something, it will have a fun and cheerful tone. This can make pet owners feel good about buying their products.

Tips for a Great Brand Voice

  • Understand Your Target Audience: Know who you're talking to. Your brand voice should speak to your customers in a way they like and understand.
  • Reflect Your Brand's Personality: Your voice should match the personality of your brand.
  • Keep Evolving: Over time, your brand voice can change as your business grows.

That's okay!

Just keep it consistent once you make a change.

9 Brand Exercises to Develop Your Brand Identity (6)

9. The Mission and Vision Statement Exercise

What are Mission and Vision Statements?

Amission statementis like a quick summary of what your business does right now. It talks about your current goals and what you're doing for your customers. A vision statement, on the other hand, is like a dream for the future. It describes where you want your business to go and what you want to achieve in the long run.

How to Create Your Mission and Vision Statements

Let's break down the steps to make these statements:

Creating a Mission Statement:
Think about what your business does every day.

Ask yourself what makes your business special and why you started it in the first place.

Write a short statement that sums this up. This is your mission statement, and it should be clear and to the point.

Creating a Vision Statement:
Now, dream big! Where do you see your business in the future?

Think about the impact you want to have and the goals you want to achieve.

Write a statement that captures this vision. It should be inspiring and something that everyone in your business can work towards.

Why Mission and Vision Statements Matter

  • They guide your business decisions and keep you on track.
  • They help your customers and employees understand what your business stands for.
  • They keep everyone focused on the big picture and working towards the same goals.

Example: A Renewable Energy Company

Let's take a renewable energy company as an example. Their mission statement might be, "To provide clean, affordable energy solutions." This tells you what they do every day - they offer clean energy options that are easy to afford. Their vision statement could be, "To lead the transition to a sustainable energy future."

This is their big dream - to be at the forefront of changing how the world uses energy.

Tips for Great Mission and Vision Statements

  • Keep it Simple: Use plain language that's easy to understand.
  • Make it Memorable: Your statements should be easy to remember and repeat.
  • Be Genuine: They should truly reflect what your business is about.


Building a strong brand identity is an ongoing journey that evolves with your business. The above branding exercise template samples helped you get clear on your identity and guided you in how you will bring brand awareness to your marketing messages. Regularly engaging in these exercises can help keep your brand strong, relevant, and connected to your ideal customers. Remember, your brand is much more than a product or service; it's an experience and a promise to your customers.

By: Taniya Clayton | Personal Branding Consultant

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9 Brand Exercises to Develop Your Brand Identity (2024)


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